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Does my child need services?

What should I look for?

Some Developmental Warning Signs for Children 0 to 12 Months

  •      Avoids eye contact

  •      Does not respond appropriately to “no-no”

  •      Rarely babbles, is unusually quiet

  •      Does not respond to whispered speech consistently

  •      Shows little interest in imitating gestures such as “bye-bye”

  •      Cries often without changing pitch or intensity

  •      Shows little emotion

Some Developmental Warning Signs for Children 12 To 18 Months

  •       Avoids eye contact

  •       Does not say “ma-ma” or “da-da” in a meaningful way

  •       Is unable to point to common body parts when asked

  •       Does not understand 50 to 75 words

  •       Is unable to follow a simple one-step direction such as, “Go get the cup,” unless accompanied by a gesture

  •       Does not imitate words

  •       Does not use three to twenty words

  •       Difficulty drinking from a cup

Some Developmental Warning Signs for Children 18 To 24 Months

  •       Avoids eye contact

  •       Tunes out other people frequently

  •       Demonstrates or experiences a loss of skills

  •       Does not respond to two part commands such as, “Get the doll and put it in the bed.”

  •       Difficulty identifying labeled pictures

  •       Is quiet most of the time

  •       Rarely attempts to imitate or produce words

  •       Does not have a wide range of single words (between 100 to 200 words)

  •       Is not interested in talking

Some Developmental Warning Signs for Children 24 To 36 Months

  •       Avoids eye contact

  •       Difficulty singing songs

  •       Difficulty imitating parts of simple nursery rhymes

  •       Difficulty naming common objects

  •       Does not put short two or three word phrases together

  •       Difficulty sitting and attending to a book or movie

  •       Difficult to understand when talking

  •       Drools

  •       Feeding differences: Does not like firmer textures in food

Some Developmental Warning Signs for Children 3 to 5 Years

  •       Speaks differently from other children of the same age

  •       Difficult to understand

  •       Difficulty maintaining eye contact when listening or speaking

  •       Disinterested or detached from other children when playing

  •       Makes noises or uses gestures to express needs instead of using words or sentences

  •       Difficulty comprehending directions or following conversations

  •       Watches what others are doing to follow a direction

  •       Speaks in short phrases instead of complete sentences

  •       Leaves out words such as, “ìs” or “the” (Mommy eating cookie)

  •       Leaves off endings such as, “ing” (Daddy play with ball)

Characteristics of Children with Receptive Language Problems

  •       Difficulty following directions

  •       Difficulty understanding the point of a discussion

  •       Difficulty listening to and understanding stories

  •       Poor conversational skills; turn-taking nature of communication is challenged

  •       Limited vocabulary and understanding of concepts

  •       Watches others to ensure they are doing the right thing

Characteristic of Children with Expressive Language Problems

  •       Poor grammar, such as problems with pronouns she, he, her, him, his

  •       Difficulty asking and answering questions

  •       Cannot find the precise words to explain and describe

  •       Describes using vague language

  •       Poor vocabulary

How well does your child talk?
  • Do people outside your family usually understand your child’s speech?

  • Are your child’s expressive skills at the same level as his or her peers?

  • Can your child communicate thoughts, feeling and experiences?

  • Does your child speak easily without repetition of syllable or words (i.e., stuttering)?

  • Does your child hear you but at times not grasp or understand what you have said?

  • Does your child have difficulty following directions from you or others?

  • Does your child’s voice sound clear with an age appropriate pitch like other children?

  • Are language problems causing your child to have academic problems in school?

How well your child talks and communicates is extremely important for his or her future success and happiness. No other skills have so powerful an influence in the total growth and development of your child.

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