Comprehensive Speech and Language Evaluations
The purpose of a speech and language evaluation is to measure the child’s communication skills. The speech language pathologist is interested in determining your child’s strengths and weaknesses in communication. The speech language pathologist uses formal assessments, behavioral observations, parental report, and background information about the child to determine if a speech and/or language problem is present.
Before the evaluation it is important to fill out the Case History Form to provide the therapist with a description of your child’s medical, developmental, and family history.
During your child’s evaluation, testing will occur to compare your child’s skills with other children of the same age. The tests chosen are based on the concerns expressed by the parents and referring physician. Testing for toddlers may be play-based and interactive. Testing for preschoolers may include formal tests and play. For school-age children formal tests are administered. Tests given by the speech-language pathologist may look at the child’s:
Receptive vocabulary
Understanding of grammar and syntax
Understanding of directions, and information as it increases in length and complexity
Auditory skills
Expressive vocabulary
Expressive use of grammar and syntax
Voice Quality
Fluency or smooth flow of speech
Social use of language for interactive communication
Oral-motor and Feeding skills
A comprehensive evaluation is very important for your child. The evaluation results help determine your child’s needs. A good evaluation allows the therapist to precisely target weaknesses for intervention.
Following the evaluation, interpretations and findings are discussed in detail with parents and/or guardians. Also, a written report summarizing the findings and recommendations is completed for parents, guardians, and any other professionals involved in the child’s care.